
New Product Launched With 2,000 Retail Kiosks

When Pioneer launched their AVIC-N1 at CES 2004, they helped launch it with a different kind of Skyline product: A retail kiosk, not a trade show exhibit.

"We have been very successful in utilizing the kiosk to improve our placement of a relatively expensive product into a very large number of retailers," said Ted Cardenas, Product Planning Manager for the Mobile Entertainment Division of Pioneer Electronics.

"The kiosk very effectively trains and assists retail salespeople to demonstrate and sell the complex AVIC-N1. They particularly like the kiosk's looks, its feature bullets, and the ease of assembly. The kiosk has also been used for trade and consumer shows."

The AVIC-N1 was honored as a finalist in the CES Best New Product contest. So Pioneer doubled their order of kiosks to 2,000 to help the product launch.

"We have been very pleased with the kiosk's ROI, its ease of warehousing, shipping, and assembly, and its reliability. The design and manufacturing have proven virtually flawless."

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