Lionsgate Films

Film Comes to Life – With Snow

Lionsgate, the independent studio with a reputation for distinctive and daring films, drew fans to a 20'-by-20' exhibit with strong visual elements inspired by its latest film, "The Spirit."

"The exhibit embodied the look and feel of the film 100%, including actual snow!" says Matthew Clasby, director of Special Events. “Both the reproduction of our designs and the entire installation process were a dream, as always."

"The structure pushes the boundaries of the space as close to the aisles as possible so passing traffic is almost forced to interact. It really allows for optimal exposure," Clasby says.

"Attendance to our space was phenomenal," Clasby says. "Huge volume in traffic is the key, and this show proved to be one of the most successful experiences we’ve had."

Lionsgate has partnered with Skyline at consumer shows for several years. "I couldn’t imagine being able to pull together our needs to this level of success with any other team," Clasby says.

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Lionsgate Films

Primary Business

Manufacturing & Industrial

Exhibit Size

20' x 20'

Products / Services

Fabric graphics
Stratus™ Table

Key Objectives

Customer service