Budget Stretchers: Share with Partners

One of the most popular areas to find cost savings was using co-op or shared resources among manufacturers-distributors or headquarters-local branch offices.

You can share booth space…

Where it's possible, I have adopted "Subletting" space to local distributors in my booth. This helps in two ways . . . 1. Increase the volume of booth traffic by using local distributor's contact database; 2. As a value-added service to our distributors for local exposure on a larger scale than they are normally used to.

- Rick Dunlap, SMC Corporation of America

Or barter for good and services…

Instead of renting some equipment necessary for displaying the machines (dust collectors, etc) work out a deal with the manufacturer to do branding for them and get the equipment as part of the deal.

- Name withheld by request

Or support your channel partners…

I reuse graphics at key retailers across the country. They get use at the shows, but when it's time to change them out for another season, they don't get thrown away. The dealers love them because it helps them brand their own stores and concept shops.

- Kristen Cole, InSport International